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+44 203 7453 753



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    About us

    WillU Financial Group is the trading name of the following entities:

    • WillU Invest Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 757816) (registration number 09910112)
    • WillU Life Limited is an Appointed Representative of WillU Invest Limited (registration number 11758858)
    • WillU FX Limited – 10855534
    • WillU Insure Limited is an Appointed Representative of WillU Invest Limited (registration number (registration number 13166888)
    • WillU FX Limited (registration number 10855534)

    All WillU entities listed above are registered in England and Wales and have the registered office of Sanderson House, Station Road, Horsforth, Leeds, LS18 5NT. You can contact WillU by email on


    This website should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation to conduct investment business, as defined by the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.

    Past performance of investments is not necessarily indicative of future performance. The value of investments may fall as well as rise and the income from investments may fluctuate and is not guaranteed. Clients may not recover the amount invested. The investments mentioned on this website are not suitable for all types of investors. Investment advice should always be sought from a qualified investment adviser before any investment is made.

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